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Choice of
Lacrosse Heads
With the huge selection on, it is sometimes not easy to find the right lacrosse head The stiffness, width of the head and weight are important aspects to consider when purchasing a lacrosse head. In the following we have briefly summarized the most important characteristics of a lacrosse head.
Men's Heads
Due to their usually flatter for men’s lacrosse Sidewalls they enable good ball handling and a wide pocket. Men’s heads are usually equipped with a softer, more modern mesh. The heads are equipped with a mesh or stringing equipped and are located at the upper end of the embroidery. They are the central point for catching, holding and shooting balls.
Women's Heads
Stringed heads for women in lacrosse are usually equipped with a traditional, rigid and firm mesh or a hybrid mesh. The hybrid mesh, which is both fine and rigid, creates a good feel for the ball between the pocket and the head. Women’s heads are designed with a certain geometry so that the ball stays in the pocket when running and catching and the ball is shot precisely when shooting.
Steifigkeit und Flexibiliät sind die wichtigsten Aspekte, die bei der Entwicklung neuer Lacrosse Heads eine Rolle spielen. Jedoch gilt: Verschiedene Lacrosse Spieler bevorzugen verschiedene Arten von Lacrosse Heads. Manche sehr steifen Heads sind etwas schwerer als andere flexiblere Heads. Manche Verteidiger spielen gerne mit einem etwas steiferen Lacrosse Head, um effektiver (härter) zu checken, Spieler auf anderen Positionen wiederum bevorzugen einen etwas weicheren Head, um Groundballs besser aufnehmen zu können. Ähnliches kann über alle Positionen gesagt werden. Steifigkeit sowie Flexibilität eines Lacrosse Heads sind abhängig von den Vorlieben des jeweiligen Spielers. So viel kann jedoch gesagt werden: Weder mit einem steifen noch einem flexiblen Lacrosse Head liegt man falsch.
Wide Heads
In den letzten Jahren sind Lacrosse Heads immer enger geworden. Aber wie bereits gesagt, manche Spieler bevorzugen einen engeren Head während andere lieber mit einem weiteren Head spielen. Ein Angreifer spielt vielleicht gerne mit einem engen Lacrosse Head, um maximale Kontrolle über den Lacrosse Ball zu haben und um den Checks der Verteidiger ein minimales Angriffsziel zu bieten. Andere Angreifer hingegen bevorzugen breitere Lacrosse Heads, um im hart umkämpften Crease, eine bessere Chance zu haben, Pässe zu fangen. Verteidiger wiederum spielen gerne mit breiteren Lacrosse Heads, um besser den Ball zu fangen und gegnerische Pässe abzufangen. Die meisten Lacrosse Heads, die eine sehr enge bzw. dünne Form haben, wurden vorwiegend für fortgeschrittene Spieler entwickelt. Aus dem einfachen Grund, dass es im Vergleich sehr viel schwieriger ist, den Ball mit einem engen Lacrosse Head zu fangen, als mit einem weiten.
Was ist
der Scoop
bei Heads?
Der Scoop ist der obere Teil Deines Lacrosse Heads. Beim Aufheben von Groundballs rollt der Lacrosse Ball über den Scoop in das Pocket. Folglich ist der Scoop ähnlich einer Art Schaufel. Verschiedene Hersteller benutzen unterschiedliche Techniken und benutzen hierfür andere Namen. Aber was bei allen dasselbe ist, ist das große Ziel: Mache Groundballs so einfach wie möglich.
For what reason should
I pinch my head?
Pinching helps you shape your lacrosse head in such a way that it becomes more difficult for opposing players to take the lacrosse ball from you. In addition, narrower lacrosse heads ensure that the ball lies better in the pocket. But don’t forget – catching is much more difficult with a pinched head. You should also know the limit, because if you pinch your lacrosse head too much, it will eventually become illegal. Don’t overdo it! You should also note that if you have pinned your lacrosse head, the warranty will be void.
How do I string mine
Lacrosse Head himself?
That’s easy! Simply click on your preferred pocket style and follow the instructions….:
With so many great lacrosse heads on the market, the question of what is the best head is often raised. You might as well ask what the best hamburger is. The answer is: the one you like the most. The truth is that most good lacrosse players can play well with almost any head. The secret is the pocket, the personal, individual aspect of the sport of lacrosse, so to speak.
When did I use
soft and when
hard mesh?
It always depends on your personal preferences. Your soft mesh is much faster to break in than a real hard mesh. The soft mesh also has advantages when cradling and catching. It feels like you have better control. On the other hand, the hard mesh scores points in terms of durability. Here it has a clear advantage. The Hard Mesh also makes passes and shots much faster. Since the ball falls out more easily with hard mesh, a soft mesh can be recommended for beginners.
mesh vs.
traditional strings?
The advantages of mesh over traditional pockets are easy to explain: the vast majority of stick stringers can string or repair a mesh pocket faster than a traditional. The reason, in addition to what has already been mentioned, is that hard mesh offers many of the advantages of a traditional pocket (e.g. a consistent pocket) without the maintenance disadvantage associated with traditional pockets. Hard mesh pockets break in faster and are not as vulnerable to the weather. When the leather in the pocket gets wet it stretches and expands, when it dries it becomes stiff and tight. Soft mesh is suitable for beginners, but also expands quickly with hard passes from advanced players. However, many experienced players swear by their Traditional Pockets because the stringing possibilities in Traditional Pockets are virtually unlimited.
How do I string mine
Lacrosse Head himself?
That’s easy! Simply click on your preferred pocket style and follow the instructions….: